Phone: 888-384-2842

Returns & Exchanges

We want to make sure you are fully satisfied with every purchase you make with, you get exactly what you want, it arrives on time, and in perfect condition. If for any reason you would like to return or exchange something you’ve purchased, please let us know, and together we can find the best option for you. We maintain a 90-day return or exchange policy for most circumstances.

My Order Arrived Damaged.

We try to pack all of our orders as securely as possible, but there is a chance that damage could occur during transit. If you notice something is wrong, a chip, crack, water damage or so on, please contact us within 7 days of the purchase so we can find a resolution to the problem as quickly as possible.

This Isn’t What I Ordered.

Did we make a mistake while packing your order? Don’t worry, we will send out a replacement immediately upon receiving notice from you. We will even email you a return shipping label for the other package, so you can ship it back in the original box and packaging with no hassle. Please contact us immediately after opening your order, as we can unfortunately not accept exchanges or returns after 90 days of the original date of purchase.

I’m not 100% Satisfied With My Purchase.

We are truly sorry you weren’t completely satisfied with your purchase, and we are here to find the best solution for you. We try our best to describe our products accurately through image and text, but realize individual experiences can vary. If any of our products do not meet your expectations, please contact us right away, and we will happily accept a return or an exchange if returned within 90 days of the original purchase. The buyer must bear the return shipping cost. To make things easier, please return any items to us in their original packaging, so nothing gets damaged on the way back.

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